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Daffy Flies North
Refusing to go with the flock, Daffy seeks an easier way to travel north.

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Bunny
In this cartoon ode to great literature, Bugs recalls his youth with Elmer Fudd.

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Bunny
In this cartoon ode to great literature, Bugs recalls his youth with Elmer Fudd.

Soup or Sonic
The Coyote chases the Roadrunner all over the desert. They both run through a pipe that gets progressively smaller. At the end of the tunnel, the Roadrunner returns to normal size while the Coyote remains tiny.

Soup or Sonic
The Coyote chases the Roadrunner all over the desert. They both run through a pipe that gets progressively smaller. At the end of the tunnel, the Roadrunner returns to normal size while the Coyote remains tiny.

Spaced Out Bunny
Marvin the Martian and Hugo, the abominable snowman, capture the earth creature Bugs Bunny.

The Chocolate Chase
Speedy Gonzales is once again called to get past Daffy Duck when he denies the mice of Mexico chocolate bunnies for Easter.

The Yolks on You
Foghorn Leghorn assigns Prissy, who's been laying some odd, unsatisfactory eggs, to lay turquoise eggs for Easter. When she messes up and lays a golden egg, she discards it. It's discovered by impoverished pals Daffy Duck and Sylvester, whose friendship fades rapidly as the two take turns stealing the egg from one another.

The Yolks on You
Foghorn Leghorn assigns Prissy, who's been laying some odd, unsatisfactory eggs, to lay turquoise eggs for Easter. When she messes up and lays a golden egg, she discards it. It's discovered by impoverished pals Daffy Duck and Sylvester, whose friendship fades rapidly as the two take turns stealing the egg from one another.

The Yolks on You
Foghorn Leghorn assigns Prissy, who's been laying some odd, unsatisfactory eggs, to lay turquoise eggs for Easter. When she messes up and lays a golden egg, she discards it. It's discovered by impoverished pals Daffy Duck and Sylvester, whose friendship fades rapidly as the two take turns stealing the egg from one another.